Friday, February 11, 2011

Marchesa Casati - Dedication to a Muse

Well, its been a week or two between posts, not that I've run out of ideas, far from it, but a dedicated lingerie diva can get lost under the work load that is Valentines Day - Ah Me!

I've re-opened my etsy store in this time, with some ready to post items and I will be dedicating myself to cleaning out my vast fabric and embellishment stash and creating lots of new limited edition goodies for you!
Kiss Me Quick on Etsy

Now, with the rush all but over my thoughts turn to new products and a new collection, and a little book that landed on my door step weeks ago. "Infinite Variety - The Life and Legend of the Marchesa Casati"

Of course I'm not the first to be inspired by the legendary muse, as a living work of art she commissioned hundreds of works, all featuring her own visage. After death she continues this legend, and she has been heavily represented in fashion. Not least, John Galliano dedicated his 1998 spring/summer haute couture collection for Dior to her.

If you don’t know her, I recommend you find out. She was a flame haired eccentric, once Italy's wealthiest woman she died in poverty in London. Her decadence, flamboyance and excessiveness were unrivalled. Her ambition? "To be a living work of art".

Of course aside from all her exhibitionism (Cheetah’s on diamond leashes, live snakes as necklaces, nude gold painted servants etc) its her style that I'm drawn too. Its theatricality, and the constant symbols she maintained throughout her life, Her red hair, her dark kohl laden eyes, her veils, her pearls, her fondness for white, black, violet and gold...

1 comment:

  1. She looks amazing!

    And so do your pasties. I posted a link on my blog to your FB site, with a little story on how I first found you and got my first (of several) pairs, which I love!

    You can see it here:
