Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vintage Magazine Love

Many years ago I chanced upon a copy of a magazine called "Movie Merry-Go -Round" from 1936. Stuffed in a basket full of old bits of tat in a dusty old bookshop long gone – I saw it and fell in love. Its filled with page after page of cheesecake, burlesque beauties and film stills from the time, a plethora of feathers fur and tap panties!

Its one of my favourite things to flick through but unfortunately is slowly falling apart and crumbling away. So I thought I should scan some of the images for posterity and to share with other like minded individuals. Enjoy!
Movie Merry-Go Round

15 cents in September 1936

Originally purchased at Dymock's Book Arcade and Railway Bookstalls - George St Sydney

"I wear genuine silk stockings," Advises Adrienne. "A girls all wet if she hasn't sense enough to keep out of the rayon"

"Did your new boy friend like you in this costume?"
"Yes it was love at fur's sight"

Catherine knows a girl who bought a book about nudists - and she read it from cover to uncover"

"The sky's the limit with this dance", murmurs Myrtle, "it ends with a balloon ascension"

"These men in the audience don't seem to know much about women."
"Well we ought to be able to give them a few pointers"

This one is my favourite! Ginger Rogers - "These are my own brand of elastic garters," gaggs Ginger. "I call them 'Cookies' because they're Gingers Snaps"

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rock and Roll Faux Fringe

I always get asked how I do this, and this is how I learn't!

Burlesque event of the month

Burlesque Royale, in Sydney and Melbourne! One show has already sold out so, get your tickets! Alas, its on the other side of the country for me so someone will have to send me a review. Of course some of these performers I’ve seen before and even worked with, so I know how good they are... Wishing them all the best for a great night! Oh and think of KMQ when you open those goodie bags!